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How Do I Get Paper Net Magazines Mailed To My House?
Paper Net is delivered to specific mailing routes within each zip code in the area. Paper Net does NOT hand select the addresses that our magazine goes to. If you would like a Paper Net magazine mailed to your home, you should contact your mail carrier to get your Paper Net magazine.
Were Can I Find Paper Net Magazine?
When Do Paper Net Magazines Come Out?
Paper Net magazines come out in different intervals depending on which magazine you are looking for.
Why Do I No Longer Receive Paper Net Magazines In My Mailbox?
Paper Net chooses mailing routes within each zip code in the area. The distribution of Paper Net can be affected in many ways, so it is hard to pin point one reason magazines have stopped being delivered. Your mail carrier may be delivering them throughout their route but not on yours. Be sure to let your mail carrier know that you want Paper Net magazines!
How Much To Advertise In Paper Net Magazine?
It depends on the business being advertised and the purpose of the advertisement. Different businesses and uses call for different sizes and strategies to be successful. Contact Paper Net to setup a meeting with an account executive where we will tailor an advertisement to your business and get specific pricing. Request our current rate card here.
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Contact Info
Paper Net Marketing & Advertising
434 SW 14th St
Ocala, FL 34471
Phone: (352) 620-9152